Nursing Professional Governance

Shared Leadership (Professional Governance) serves as the foundation for shared decision-making between management and the clinical nurses, placing the authority, autonomy, and accountability for nursing practice at the bedside with clinical nurses.

Nursing’s Professional Governance model was developed in 2004 and has been revised/updated on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of the organization and the goals for the nursing services department.


  • This model empowers all members to have a voice in decision-making
  • It empowers professional clinical nurses, nurse managers, and nurse leaders to contribute collectively to the decision-making process related to nursing practice, standards, and procedures. Shared leadership contributes to improved patient outcomes.
  • Memorial’s Nursing Services department has five central governance councils and a Coordinating Council, which oversees the activities of the other councils
  • Each unit/service line has a Unit Leadership Team (ULT)/Unit-Type Council (UTC) whose role is to plan, implement, and continuously improve the practice, quality, and competency for their unit/service line patient population.