The Rose Award

The Rose Award

Celebrating extraordinary patient care techs (PCTs), emergency room techs (ERTs), and operating room techs (ORTs).

The Rose Award is a hospital-based program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary care and compassion given by our techs each and every day.

Nomination Form

Do you know a tech who meets one or more of the following?

  • Connects with the patient and family.
  • Works with the healthcare team to best meet patient and family needs.
  • Makes patients and families feel comfortable.
  • Goes above and beyond.

Patients, families, employees, and/or providers, please take a moment to complete a nomination form to tell us about him/her.


    I would like to nominate the employee below from Memorial Hospital as a deserving recipient of The Rose Award. This employee’s clinical skill and especially her/his compassionate care exemplify the kind of employee our patients, their families, and our staff recognize as an outstanding role model. She/he consistently meets all of the following criteria.
    This employee demonstrates clinical skills, compassionate care, exceptional service and is committed to excellence.

    Please describe a situation involving the employee you are nominating that clearly demonstrates how she/he meets the criteria.


    Thank you for taking the time to make this nomination! Please tell us about yourself so that we may include you in the celebration of this award should the employee you nominated be chosen.

    Rose Awards will be given quarterly in the months of March, June, September, and December. Nominations received by the 15th of the prior months (February, May, August, and November) will be considered for the following quarter’s Rose Award. This nomination will be submitted to either the charge nurse, nurse manager, or nursing office staff to acknowledge that this employee is in good standing.